
Welcome to Pycraft’s new formatting guide! In this guide you will learn more about the structure that we follow in the source code for Pycraft. To start with, it is not mandatory that this is read before you start work on Pycraft, and nor os it a replacement for the excellent PEP-8 Guide for code formatting in Python - it is however an extension of this concept. This guide aims to maintain a constant style of formatting through Pycraft and its sister projects (for example the Installer), in order to make it easier to transfer from code written by one developer to another. If you are confused by the structure of Pycraft, or by something in this guide then don’t hesitate to get in touch (ways of how to do so can be found in the Introduction tab). Each area in this guide will feature a description, an example (likely not taken from Pycraft for simplicity) - where relevant, our reasoning for this decision, any additional information regarding this formatting feature in Pycraft’s source code and be preceeded by a text description about what that section of the guide is for.

Docstring Formatting Guide#

Welcome to Pycraft’s docstring formatting guide. Docstrings are a relatively recent addition to the source code of Pycraft - only being introduced in Pycraft v9.5.5 as structural changes allowed for the use of docstrings to be effective -, and act as text descriptions and overviews of the function of that area of code, as well as that area’s required parameters, keyword arguments and outputs. Currently any subroutine (procedure or function) and class must have a docstring, with the exception of a class instantiation method with no function; which can be identified as being identical to:

1def __init__(self):
2   pass

It is crucial that for docstrings the correct format is used as the documentation gets built using an automated method and incorrect foratting can create problems. So here are the set of rules for correctly formatting a docstring in Pycraft:

  • All docstrings for Pycraft must be written in English (US ideally, but UK is fine too).

  • Any dates must be given with the format used to create them, for example ‘released on the date: 12/07/2022 (using the DD/MM/YYYY format)’

  • A docstring must - regardless of location - consist of a description that acts as an overview of what that code does. There is no limit to the length of the description, although ideally it should be as detailed as possible so that any reader does not need to check the actual code after reading the docstring description for futher information. Additionally try to avoid just rewriting the code in plain english.

  • Having a docstring at the start of a module in Pycraft isn’t currently required, however this is constantly being reviewed.

  • The docstring corresponding to a class must not have a ‘- Output:’ section. However the docstring for any subroutine (except for the default instantiation method) must contain the ‘ - Output:’ description.

Module Formatting Guide#

Class Formatting Guide#

Subroutine Formatting Guide#

Variable and Constant Formatting Guide#

Shader Formatting Guide#

Directory Formatting Guide#